Dorian Delureanu – 09.05.98 – ORESTIA – O repetiție cu Silviu Purcărete
“Dorian Delureanu spent 7 years doing theater photography in Craiova, between 1993-2000: […] I had the chance to photograph iconic performances staged by important directors such as Silviu Purcărete, Beatrice Bleonț, Mihai Măniuțiu, Tompa Gábor, Cristian Hadji-Culea, Vlad Mugur.”

Burn your gods (about photography gods)
They say “Never meet your heroes”. Or gods. Or idols. Or kings and queens and emperors. Or whatever you want to call them.

All the wrong words in all the right places (about photography project statements)
Most of the time, statements get a bad reputation, to the point that both photographers and viewers avoid them. But it’s not really the statement’s fault; as it is designed to support the project. If the exhibition is bad, there’s a very slim chance it can be saved by the statement.