“Dorian Delureanu spent 7 years doing theater photography in Craiova, between 1993-2000: […] I had the chance to photograph iconic performances staged by important directors such as Silviu Purcărete, Beatrice Bleonț, Mihai Măniuțiu, Tompa Gábor, Cristian Hadji-Culea, Vlad Mugur.”
Category: Not my photobooks

Oliver Merce – ACT OF FAITH
“In his black-and-white pictures, Oliver Merce tries to make the unseen seen, to interpret a vast range of gray shades. He attempts to translate this hidden, abstract thing called faith – more discreet than a mustard seed – into visual language. “

Cosmin Gârleșteanu – BUCHAREST
“I keep taking photos in Bucharest. Because the city is changing, it’s reinventing itself. Because it gives me a sense of well-being and I often feel like a tourist in my own city. “

Oliver Merce – DOGS
“The photos in this series were taken starting from 2011 and are dedicated to the dogs I had over time. Even though, for biological reasons, their lives did not overlap entirely with my life, they made my life whole.”

Cristina Garlesteanu – The Flight Odyssey
“This book is about them, about the ones for whom Flight is the essence of things. About the ones for whom Flight, the mastery of maneuvers and diving, the dizzying speeds and the sky are a purpose onto themselves, offering the unexpected reward of freeing the spirit from the body, from space and time…
The rest of us stay on the ground. But the dream of flying continues. Through them, for us.” – Cristina Garlesteanu