Broșură ghid a hărții fântânilor și a obiceiurilor legate de fântâni.
Comuna Bobicești, Județ Olt, 2021
ISBN 978-606-94598-9-8
Publicație electronică.
Category: Not my photobooks
Cristina Garlesteanu – Dincolo de creativitate si fotografie
“Creativitatea necesită o minte deschisă. O dorință de a explora, o deschidere înspre a fi uimit, dor de a experimenta, de a testa, de a eșua chiar și de a o lua de la capăt, plus, poate mai presus de toate, de a vedea lumea asta fără a lua în considerare cum ne-au spus alții că ar trebui să arate.”
Cristina Irian – STRATA|B
“STRATA|B is a story of a fragment of Bucharest, a time-frame and digital spaces. Back in 2014 there was a time when interactions between people and the walls of buildings in a part of the old city center were meticulously recorded. I visited these walls, or what was left of them, on a regular basis, and photographed them as old acquaintances.”
Oliver Merce – For You
“As for the hands, without which all action would be crippled and enfeebled, it is scarcely possible to describe the variety of their motions, since they are almost as expressive as words. For other portions of the body may help the speaker, whereas the hands may almost be said to speak.”
Albert Vrabiuta – DACIA 50 Autoturismul
DACIA 50 Autoturismul
Bucharest, 2018.
ISBN 978-606-94598-0-5
OMNIA PHOTO Publishing House
Albert Adrian VRĂBIUȚĂ (photos), Ana-Cristina IRIAN (text, documentation), Valentin MAIER (text, documentation), (translation), Paul Adrian FARCAȘ (graphics), Alex CRUCERU (proofreading), Cristian BASSA (editor)