(arguably the most uninspired blog post title so far, but hey! I can do better, just you wait..)
The author in me is happy he succeeded in finishing the text, selection and sequence for the second upcoming photobook. Decided to avoid text in photobooks as much as possible.
The new photobook will be out in March 2021, with a preorder period in February. Right now I am struggling with creating the marketing materials to include enough interesting stuff without spoiling anything. The photobook is not prone to spoilers, probably some of the deeper layers of the story will unfold themselves at the third or fourth reading (if I am lucky enough). So keep an eye on the site or (anti)social media.
The photobook editor in me got the chance to be contacted by (more)(beautiful) people last year; they showed me their personal projects. We started working together and hopefully… fingers crossed for some interesting body of works later this year!
Alongside OMNIA PHOTO we printed a photobook in pandemic times. A big “respect!” to you guys who supported this through hard times.
The photographer in me shot very few photos last year. Maybe this year it’s going to be better. I attached some photos to this post but they don’t seem to load…
The human being inside hopes you and families are ok and safe, and in these hard times remember to keep your humanity.
The darkness in me…