This post should be in a category called: Better late than never. Basically this post should have happened years ago. One of the reasons why it never happened is due to the fact that I haven’t got much to say about it (= the project) myself, because things worked out very smoothly. A great project and documentation, a labor of love, great photos and powerful message. A project backed-up by the photographer with great stories outside of the book perimeter. That kind of a project where nothing else can be really said about it without looking like blabber-mouth.

I had the chance to work on it from an editorial point of view, creating the sequencing and designing the cover the rest of the graphic elements. Feedback and help from lots of people made this project even more valuable and I am very grateful for that. Every independent photobook usually involves people who love the project and want to be a part of it – and that turns it into a “individual collective body of work”. Kinda makes no sense until you are part of one of these project.

I was thinking that now, for a potential second edition, I would do some small fine-tuning. I am never happy with any of my projects, my therapist thinks I’m crazy. God help her if I decide to get off my multicorn and slap him with a dead fish. In all seriousness I must come to terms with the following fact: basically a project can go on forever but when you feel there is nothing more you can add to it, when nothing more fits in, then you should stop.

What I liked about Oliver’s project is the humanity and honesty of it all. Should be interesting to see what’s next.

“Finally, after more than 6 month of hard work, Oliver‘s photobook “THE ANATOMY OF DECAY” will be here in your hands in early this December. It was a team effort (and what a team!!). I took care of the photobook design and editing – more details about this whole journey soon and all the team members – in another post, coming soon.

We hope you will buy the book – details below in both ENglish/ROmanian. By doing so you will support Oliver in telling a powerful story about the impact of the post-industrialism on people. Thank you!” (initially published on CRITICALMESS.ro)

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The project took 1st place in “Picture Story” at “Premiile Mihai Vasile” and it was also feature numerous times in online magazines such: Oitzarisme Photography Magazine, VICE, 121 Clicks, Dodho Magazine. Exhibitions: In-Out Transylvania Photo Festival, Festivalul de Fotografie “Secvențe” 2015, Versus dar Împreuna Festival 2015.

Book details:
– Matter hardcover
– 21,5 cm x 21,5 cm x 2 cm (aprox. 900g)
– 192 pages, matte paper 170g
– 111 black and white photos
– Both English and Romanian text
– ISBN 978-973-0-22875-5
– Limited edition of 200 photobooks

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